Book Review: “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho

“Book Review: “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho” – Have you ever seen a book on a shelf more times than once and wondered, is this book looking at me? This book was for sure that, for sure.

You might even say it was an omen.

Paulo Coelho, a native from Rio de Janeiro, write a masterpiece of what it means to be alive, what it means to actually live, and a force behind it all. This seems like a book God might reference in explaining the nature of things. This is a story deep in the spiritual, deep in the ideas of glory and riddled with the pain of life.

Coelho introduces us to a young man, Santiago, who is a shepherd and leads his sheep around the beautiful plains of Andalusia. He is normal, like anyone else, that is if anyone that has ever lived is normal or they simply submitted to a life void of a dream.

Santiago is on a journey towards his Personal Legend, one unique to him and designed by God. He will meet people along the way, some that help and some that hurt and other that simply present him with a choice.

The story leads Santiago to choice after choice and deeper understanding of the reality of life.

“To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only obligation.”

The Alchemist

I love this book, I read it at home in a few hours. I’ve been sitting in a comfortable chair for a few hours while myself, and the rest of the world, rides out this self imposed quarantine because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was a wonderful story to read in the midst of a fearful world.

I have wrestled, more so in the last 3 years of my life, with the idea that there is more out there than I am currently aware. I’ve been inspired by so many things but have walked away from many of them. And still, day after day I hear the voice of the Maker beckoning me into something larger than life, something from Him.

This book had a lot of that going on.

The journey, the quest, the destination, and the pain and triumph on the road traveled. All of that stuff, so good.

“Every search begins with beginner’s luck. And every search ends with the victor’s being severely tested.”

The Alchemist

Some books start to tap on the space between God and man, however much that might be, and this is one of them. This is the type of book that reminds you of all the true things you already knew but hadn’t manifested. This story is the story of all people, but it’s also the story many don’t want to hear about themselves, mostly because it requires action.

I say, bring it. If God is out there, surely His plan is freaking radical. Surely His plans are better and far more dangerous than mine. I wonder how close I am to the treasure even now, but because I am unwilling to follow the Maker, I sacrifice the process of equipping and building He has planned for me.

Surely there are omens.


Before I drift into the metaphysical plain of thought, let me just day that I highly recomend this book, for those who take stories as serious as facts.

Book Review: “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho”

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