Finding Godly wisdom in a worldly library.

It’s been an incredibly challenging 6 months, and the challenge has come in all shapes and sizes for all of us.

One specific challenge for me has been seeing all the promoted literature from the media and from those who do not love Jesus. Don’t get me wrong, I read a lot of books that are not written by Christian authors, but I rarely go to those books to find out how to live my life.

For me, that’s everything.

The challenges we are facing right now are incredibly diverse and deep in our hearts and lives, and no amount of finite words are going to be able to go as deep as words written underneath the tutelage and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. If I’m going to read something that is aimed at who I am then I need books written by men and women, who love Jesus, who are searching to live like Him more.

I believe these 4 books would be an incredible blessing to you in times like these. They are not the exhaustive list of books that could be read during 2020, but they are books I have read and they have dramatically altered my life and how I pursue God.

With that said, all of these fall short of the Word of God, which is sufficient to teach us about all aspects of life. The Bible speaks about racism, spiritual and mental health, abortion, government and so much else.

The Christian should go to the Bible and to prayer for guidance.

14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, 15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

1 Peter 1:14-15

With that in mind, these are three books that I think will continue to till the soil of your heart and plant seeds of blessing for your future.

Get Your Life Back: Everyday Practices for a World Gone Mad
by John Eldredge

The sooner we’re ready to admit that things have gotten out of hand, the sooner we will be able to get our peace back. This is a simple but deeply healing read. There’s is something that needs to stay healthy more than anything else. It’s not your body, it’s not your mind…it’s your soul.

Bloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian
by John Piper and Timothy Keller

Piper writes from his own experience growing up in the segregated south and draws from his own battle with racism. The part that Piper shows is vital to us as Christians, is to understand how the gospel is the only answer for racism.

The Lamb’s Agenda: Why Jesus Is Calling You to a Life of Righteousness and Justice
by Samuel Rodriguez

The cross is a perfect image of the type of life that should be exemplified by the followers of Jesus, vertical and horizontal. A life dedicated to loving Jesus and a life dedicated to loving those who Jesus loves…which is everyone. It’s not about the Donkey or the Elephant, it’s about the Lamb.

Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes
by Voddie Bauchum

In the midst of 2020, all the issues we are facing are all things that can be discussed in our families, it’s in our homes where we decide who we are. This book shifted things for me in how and why I seek God and changed the spiritual temperature of my home.

New Interview – The Christian Post

Nexplorers // Bonus Episode // Pastor Samuel Rodriguez