Last Sunday, I wanted to give up. (Glad I didn’t)

I turned on the TV last weekend, but it wasn’t for Netflix, Hulu, or ESPN. I wasn’t about to veg’ out on the couch and let the auto-play role until my next meal, it wasn’t even close to that. Last weekend I turned on my TV not for entertainment, but for church.

It’s been about 6 months since California made it very difficult to continue to have church services and since then we’ve been in our homes, trying to figure this thing out.

But last Sunday I realized something; this is difficult. It’s rough being a part of a church service that’s on my television. It feels different. It is different.

I could barely make it through.

Because of the fires raging in my home state, outside my window looked like Armageddon, and the tone of that sky matched the feeling of my heart. So, I put on my work out clothes, went on a run, and took all these feelings to the Lord.

It didn’t take long for the Lord to speak to me about what I’m missing about this season and how the problem isn’t the TV, it’s my perspective. Here’s what I believe the Spirit was telling me about how I could be ready to worship on Sunday, even in a digital season.

The first question I felt the Lord ask me was…

Did you do anything to prepare?

What is it that we were doing prior to this COVID pandemic? I would get up, get dressed and head on down to the church thinking about worship and coming ready to experience the presence of God and learn from the word.

Now, I didn’t feel like God was saying get up and get dressed, although I think waking up and preparing yourself for church is a good idea, but I felt like God was speaking to me about preparing, both spiritually and physically, the night before.

Knowing that this is a different season, and knowing that worship can be a struggle, God reminded me that how I end my day Saturday matters. Before I go to sleep, I need to pray that God will help me that next morning to be ready and hungry for the presence of God. Waking up and letting the morning mood dictate the atmosphere of my home isn’t the best idea.

Sometimes I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, don’t you? Taking time to pray over the Sunday to come before I go to sleep prepares my heart, mind and soul for the pursuit of God the next morning.

In addition to that, is my home ready for worship? If there is ever a time to de-clutter and get your house ready, it’s Saturday evening. Your home isn’t just a home anymore, it’s where we worship and participate in our church services. Making that space ready for Sunday is important.

The second question was…

Have you allowed for any time of reflection?

The answer was, not so much. I don’t take enough time to reflect. We pray about the future, we struggle over the present, but we don’t take time to reflect on what God has done and is doing.

Reflection is incredibly important during all this. In prayer, taking time to reflect on the work God is doing in our world and life. In prayer, taking time to reflect on ourselves. During all this COVID crisis, how much self-reflection have you done?

I knew the Lord was telling me that I need to take time to reflect on what I know about God and how those things haven’t changed. When I take time to reflect on who God is and remember what He has done for me then the choice to engage in worship really has nothing to do with whether or not the service is online or not, it’s deeper.

No one has stopped me from worshiping and seeking God. Only one person can do that and that person is me.

The last question was…

Have you taken time to consider that I am allowing all this to happen?

Tough question. But in the sovereignty of God, this COVID crisis has been allowed, even sent, by God for a purpose. Tough to read and to digest I know, this may make you even think that it isn’t possible. But it is.

Somehow, God is at work in this. I think it makes sense, have you looked around lately? We’re lost, even us Christian folk. We are floundering in a world of division and sin. As I flip the pages of my old testament, I see countless stories of God’s people turning from Him and then paying the consequences until they return to Him through repentance.

Needless to say I have repented much as of late. And in this repentance, I have craved the presence of the Lord in a new way. I don’t want to be far from His presence, I don’t want to be disengaged in a worship service, even if it is online. It isn’t my preference, but I love Jesus!

I had to take some time to really think about that reality, that God is in this.

I’ve been thinking about those three questions this week, and I hope you would too. Before Sunday comes, prepare yourself for worship. Inside and out. Cover yourself with prayer and create a space where you can engage with Jesus without distraction (or at least as little as possible)

Before Sunday comes, reflect. Look into your own heart and soul and ask God to search you. And then, reflect on Him. Remind your soul of the goodness of God. Read Psalm 119 and be rinsed in the word.

Before Sunday comes, remember that God is in control. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Seek His will and seek to understand what He is doing. Take time to repent of your own sin and cry out for our world.

Then, when you’re ready, turn on the church service.

May God bless you.

Audiobook – Chapter 1

New Interview – The Christian Post