New 25 Day Devotional – “SLOW”

New 25 Day Devotional – “SLOW”. What would it look like to spend a week on one verse in scripture? For me, it goes against how I regularly read the Bible. I need a Bible plan to get me through, I need this chapter and that passage and the next day I need something else. But this type of reading can often lead me to a religious form of Christianity, but I don’t want to just read about God, I want to know God.

I was listening to a mentor of mine and he said something that made me check where I was at with Jesus. He said sometimes he just stays on a verse for a week or more; he said he doesn’t leave it until God says he could. I was shocked. I had never done that, but I knew I wanted to try.

SLOW comes from that. A Bible reading plan that doesn’t matter how long it takes to finish. In fact, the longer it takes the better. Instead of just reading scripture, make it the prayer of your day, your week, or your month. Memorize it, share it with your friends, recite it in your car, pray it before you sleep. 

What would it look like to spend a week on one verse in scripture?

If I could think of a word to encourage you and help you use this plan, it would be: soak. Soak in the living Word of God. Let Him hold you there until you’ve digested the promise into who you are. 

May the Lord speak to you in amazing ways. Force yourself to take this slow, meditate on the words of God, be changed. 

New 25 Day Devotional – “SLOW”

See you later.

Way later.


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