New Song – “Let Me Live”



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I was sitting in my shed turned studio in my backyard two weeks into the COVID-19 outbreak. Honestly, I was just asking God what the heck was going on and wondering if He was listening. I wanted to sing, I wanted to cry, and I wanted to scream. I was just done.

Naturally, I’m introverted so this stay-at-home ordinance hasn’t hit me too hard in that sense. But it has caused my creative mind to start some pretty big storms of confusion and doubt. I’ve seen moments of complete clarity and heavy hysteria.

But in this moment, I went back to what I knew I had available to me, the Bible. I had been highlighting and underlining verses in Psalms and I had recently come to Psalm 61. As i read the highlighted words, melodies came and so did the rest of the song.

I get the visual of being invited in to live with God. That thought alone is enough to sustain me through this time. It is the promise of God’s presence with us here on earth that gets us through each day, and the promise of eternal life to get me through tomorrow.

My New Song – “Let Me Live” is the prayer of the Psalmist. Real, desperate and hopeful. I hope it brings you encouragement and gives you a song to sing during this crazy time.