2020 is the year you read the entire Bible.

I know that 2020 is the year you read the entire Bible. It’s going to happen and I’m excited for you. You know why? Because this morning was wonderful. Why? I finished my reading the “Bible-In-A-Year” reading plan. 

It feels so satisfying to read the entire Word.

I thought I’d share the pieces of my time in the word that really made an impact on my life in 2019. Because I believe that 2020 is the year you read the entire Bible. 

Reading the Bible always brings change.

At the beginning of this year, I set two Bible Goals in front of myself. The first goal was to read the entire Bible in a year, and the other was to slowly read through the Bible while taking notes. Let me talk about the latter for a moment. 

This year I saw an advertisement for a really great tool to have some slow and focused time in scripture. They are individual books of the Bible printed in a notebook with pages to jot down notes. The version I chose is made by Crossway and I think they do a really great job.

One of the elements I discovered in Bible reading in 2019 is this…

The Word of God deserves to be read slowly. 

In Bible reading, there is so much to gain and there is so much to miss. Reading the Bible slowly, not trying to finish but trying to receive all I could, changed the game for me. Each passage, each chapter, and every word became heavier, filled with something new.

I highlighted what stood out, underlined what felt powerful, and wrote down whatever came to my mind or heart. The results were wonderful. I retained so much more than I ever did and I began to see that Bible reading isn’t to be sped through, but it’s meant to be drenched in.

Another reward I discovered in Bible reading in 2019 is that reading the Bible in a year is totally doable and has many incredible benefits to the Christian.

Being daily in God’s word changed me. 

It’s simple really, for the Christian, the Word of God is food. And I don’t know about you but I like to eat food. Spiritually speaking, I have experienced nourishment that comes only from being with God through His word.

It may seem daunting, but you can read the Bible in a year. It was anywhere between 10-15 minutes a day to keep up with the plan. Think about that, that’s nothing. You could replace so many other 15 minute segments of your day to replace it with God’s Word and time in His presence. 

Now I know what you’re thinking. Maybe you’ve tried this before and you didn’t finish. Maybe you have always wanted to but your schedule, work, and life just doesn’t have enough consistency that allows you do accomplish something like this easily. I have some ideas for you that will help.

Download the YouVersion Bible app 

This app is a great and easy way to read the Bible from wherever you are. If you have the internet, you have the Bible. If 2020 is the year you read the entire Bible, what changes are you willing to make to your schedule and life to spend time with the Father? 

Read with others.

The YouVersion Bible app allows you to start reading plans and invite your friends to join you. Every day you will have the same scriptures and be fed from the same place. At the end of your reading, the app will give you an opportunity to type in what stood out to you from the text.

Each of you will be able to read these notes and hear from one another. I would say the greatest part about that is accountability. My friend Travis and I started on January 1, 2019, and we finished together today. I’m hoping we rejoice over Sushi today as well because this is something worth celebrating.

We’ve prayed together, struggled together, and talked about Scripture all year. It has truly been a gift. If 2020 is the year you read the entire Bible, who needs to join you on this journey? 

Who can you read scripture with in 2020?

You are going to hear a lot of talk about vision in the next year, why don’t you use that to launch yourself into God’s word. Get a vision for your life, better yet, ask God for His vision for your life. Get into the word. Eat it.

I guarantee you, this time next year you will not be the same person if you spend every day in His word. Are you going to miss a day or two? Absolutely, but just double up the next day and don’t give up. 

You can do this.

I felt like the Lord specifically wanted me up at 5 am to be with Him (I know God may not be saying that to you), and never once did He miss a time to be with me. There is always something for us from God’s word, even if it’s just the choice to be with Him. 

I believe 2020 is the year you read the entire Bible.  

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”

Romans 10:17

Reflections from my 2019 Book List.

New Year. New Project. FIRST Book.