Reflections from my 2019 Book List.

As 2019 comes to a close, I thought about dwelling on some reflections from my 2019 Book List.

In 2018, I was reading a book by a well-known author who said that he reads over 100 books a year. I was stunned.

How can you possibly read over 100 books a year?

Do the math on that. That’s 8 books a month, with some months with extra reading too! Needless to say, I was discouraged because compared to my 10 or so books a year, I felt like a preschooler.

But, I was also inspired.

One of the realities of our short lives that has always amazed me is that there is so much to know. I will never be able to understand all of history, science, and the arts of the world. I won’t have time to taste all there is to taste and listen to all there is to hear, but that shouldn’t stop me from trying.

After reading about that 100 yearly book feast I decided to go after a reading goal for myself. I asked friends and mentors of books they said I needed to read and also gathered some books I’ve always wanted to dive into.

One of the reflections from my 2019 Book List is that asking other people for their recommendations is a great way to get started.

Have you ever walked into a library before?

If you don’t know what you’re looking for, it may be quite an intimidating experience. There are books upon books upon books. There are sections of books that are all written about the same things, it’s incredible. Asking others for help is an easy way to get some great reads down on your list and start building a book collection.

Another reflection from my 2019 Book List is that my potential for actually reading increased dramatically just by making a list in the first place. I found the experience of researching books, asking friends about books, and making a reading list enjoyable.

Searching for books starts a chain reaction.

I found myself interested in different subjects, which led to different people, which led to the stories that inspired those people. Most of the authors, speakers, musicians, and people of influence were all inspired by others. Those people wrote books too, and they were probably influenced by others as well.

The first step towards a great year of reading is making a book list. 

Throughout the year, there were ebbs and flows to my reading. I had months where the reading was going extremely well; there were other months that stalled out and nearly stopped completely. But I kept going.

All of my reflections from my 2019 Book List go back to actually deciding to read, making a plan to read, and executing that plan to read. Also, when I lost interest in a book or added others I didn’t give up. 

Reality check: the plan is going to change, but the goal stays the same. 

I’ve inserted my 2019 Book List above if you want to check it out. I made it in Microsoft Excel and updated it throughout the year. To help better retain what I read I wrote out my thoughts after each book. You can see some of those below. 

Book Review – Beren & Lúthien by J.R.R. Tolkien

Book Review – There Are No Strong People by Jeff Lucas

Book Review – Beowulf by Seamus Heaney 

There’s a big difference between listening to a book and reading a book.

Can I get this off my chest? One of my reflections from my 2019 Book List is learning that reading and listening are two completely different things. For me, the biggest difference is time. You are forced to take time to read, or better said, make time to read.

Listening usually happens during the in-between times, which I find less rewarding. The chair matters. The coffee matters.

Time matters.

For me, reading became not only a time of study and imagination but a place of rest. That may be the best out of all my reflections from my 2019 Book List. 

You still have time! Make a 2020 Book Reading List. Force yourself to make time and space to enter a world of imagination. Use your lunch break to disconnect from your job (and your phone) and dive into truths and wisdom from men and women who have gone before you.

Oh the things you will learn, and just imagine what you may be inspired to do. 2019 became extra special for me because I wrote my first book.

Thanks for reading these reflections from my 2019 Book List

I look forward to this next year, not just for me, but for you.

christmas picture of tree

Christmas is the season of Hope.

2020 is the year you read the entire Bible.